short nGreekBelow;
Pixel number below which text displays as gray bars (in layout view)
short cGuides;
short cGraphics;
PMBool bLoose;
false for Show Loose/Tight Lines off
true for Show Loose/Tight Lines on
PMBool bKeeps;
false for Show "Keeps" Violations off
true for Show "Keeps" Violations on
short cSaveOption;
PMBool bQuotes;
false for Use Typographer's Quotes off
true for Use Typographer's Quotes on (to substitute curved typographer's quotation marks whenever the standard quotation mark is typed)
PMBool bNumSnapTo;
false for Use "Snap To" Constraints off
true for Use "Snap To" Constraints on (to constrain values in the Control palette to ruler increments or guide positions)
PMBool bAutoflow;
false for Turn Pages When Autoflowing off
true for Turn Pages When Autoflowing on
PMBool bDisplayName;
false for off
true for display PPD names in Print dialog
short nKBitmap;
Amount of RAM, in kilobytes, reserved for drawing graphic elements
long nKLimit;
Maximum size, in kilobytes, of images to include in PageMaker publication file. Images larger than this value are linked to publication.
long xHorizNudge;
Distance each press of the horizontal nudge button or key combination moves the selected objects in twips
long yVerticalNudge;
Distance each press of the vertical nudge button or key combination moves the selected objects in twips
short cPSMemory;
kPSMemoryNormal (to free up 250K of a PostScript® printer's virtual memory prior to downloading a graphic)No publication open. If no publication is open, PageMaker gets the application default preference settings.
kPSMemoryMaximum (to perform a total restore on a PostScript printer's virtual memory prior to downloading a graphic)
Display PPD names. On the Macintosh, the Preferences dialog box does not include the Display PPD Names option. Instead, PageMaker for the Macintosh always displays the PPD filename, regardless of the value you send for bDisplayName in the PPreferences command. Although the bDisplayName parameter does nothing, the PGetPreferences query still returns the setting sent in the PPreferences command.
PGetPreferences prefs;
if (prefs.bNumSnapTo == false) ...
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